Easter dinner at Grandma and Grandpa's was wonderful. Everyone was there and it was great fun getting to see everyone. We had an amazing dinner and an Easter Egg Hunt for Jude. The eggs were filled with money, as is tradition at the Fish house, and Jude said, "hey, these are suppose to have candy in 'em." A boy after my own heart. After dinner we bolted over to see Grandma Pat. I was sure the boys would melt down, but once they saw Grandma Pat they got their next jolt of energy. Grandma Pat had a big box that she had gotten some flowers in earlier that week; she showed the boys how her kitty played in it and Jude quickly copied the kitty. Liam just cooed and rolled all over the place.

Julia got this sweet picture of Jude. He was zonked!

One last photo before we departed. It was so sad to say goodbye, but the memories are sweet and will carry us until next time. We made it back in 10.5 hours. Our average speed was 76 mph, lunch was on the road (thanks Julia!), Jude peed in an empty water bottle and dinner was super fast. We were so looking forward to sleeping in our own bed!
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