Jude got into this one. He loves all the spider's webs and is learning all about spiders at school right now. The wind has already taken out most of the webs! Guess that will be my next project once the weather clears up a bit.
Jude and I had so much fun doing our entryway. We had these spider baskets that we used for the webs and then took egg cartons, painted them black and glued on some pipe-cleaners for legs and googly-eyes. Jude cut black construction paper with his scissors (also something he's learning at school) and made scary paper for the mirror.
The tabletop is a mish-mash of stuff around the house and candy as well as stuff for tricker-treaters on the official night! Frankly I'd like to give out tooth-brushes to all of the kids, but I know that would put a real damper on the night and then no one would come to our house next year. Hmmm...maybe that IS a good idea!
Last but not least is my favorite - the chandelier. We had all these spider rings and construction paper so I created this while the boys were napping. Jude was so excited when he woke up.
Ok, yeah, yeah, I know. I'm officially converted for the sake of my sweet boys and the smiles on their faces. They bring me so much joy!