Friday, January 28, 2011

Memorable Moments

This is how the boys eat their apples:

This is where they'll go when "bored."

This is the sweetest letter ever typed by a 5 year old:
(it says things like: i love james, i love liam, liam is 2, my dad, high five... it's a framer)

This is what we've been working on this week:
(we didn't make this one, but we will make some like it with bookmark hearts)

Jude has been practicing drawing hearts, being a gentleman, being a great big brother, loving others well, getting well and learning that life isn't a contest - nor do you "always" win.

Liam has been silly as usual, practicing colors and shapes via puzzles, learning to dribble and ride his bike without Mommy, learning the consequences of bad choices and having a TON of fun with his brother (aka best friend and hero.)

Mommy and Daddy have been praising the Lord, focusing on marriage and family and enjoying the tar out of the world's most amazing boys. They teach us something new everyday. We are blessed beyond words. 

Saturday, January 22, 2011


Cough, cough...fever. Yuck. We have the blahs around here. Trying to liven things up with some marshmellow building structures, legos, popcorn, cookies, movies and other fun projects. Pics to come...

For now, wish me luck that I can get these silly, cranky monkies to settle down long enough to sleep, which their bodies need so badly.

Bathing Beauties

just beautiful aren't they?

Funny, they look a little angelic right and white pics sure are deceiving! ha ha ha

Monday, January 10, 2011

Warm Coco...

because that's what you get when you have sweet boy who is super fearful of all things hot.

Blurry - yes, but too darn cute not to post!  Adam had some left over Starbucks coffee cups from various shoots.  They were perfect for his little cup of coco.  We read books and had the best time. I love this boy! 

2011 Bring us SNOW!

It's nothing like last year, but you wouldn't know it from their excitement. Liam got sad today because it was all melting. They had so much fun running around and throwing "snow balls" at each other. They were really ice balls - but whatever. It was FUN! Adam and I just stood outside for a while and watched them play. So cute. xo