to Grandmother's house we go. Except, we go by highway - lots and lots of highway!

This is the after shot of a short swim and lots of unintentional diving. While I was drying Liam's hair it looked so crazy and cute. Oooh, I could just squeeze him and eat him.

Awwww...poor thing. He went under one two many times. It was at this point that we called it quits on pool time. Looking back, I think the reason he kept slipping and going under is because his little but was so slippery against the plastic pool. Maybe a swim suit or diaper would have helped. Nice one Mom! Gosh just remember him going under and how he must have felt not being able to breath is giving me a sick stomach and a bit of a panic attack. Yuk!

Karen and I were laughing so hard at just how white trash we were for the afternoon -flamingos in the yard, plastic pool and naked kid. All we needed was beer and some smokes. Oh, and maybe a little Skynard playing in the background. Tee hee hee. I know, I just took it too far! When I showed the pics to Adam we were laughing at how Jude looks like he is taking a MAJOR potty in the pool. If I could just get Adam to photoshop the hose out of the pic.
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