Christmas was BUSY! Whew...lots to do and lots of people to see. We started with Christmas Eve service at church and then went to Gramma and Pappa's house for the evening. Santa came to our house later that night and then Pop and Ma came over Christmas Day. Aunt Sister, Uncle Stevie and Alex came over Saturday as well as a good friend from high school. Then early Sunday morning Papa Dude, Doola and Anna arrived for a week's visit. There was so much to do, so many wonderful memories and a bunch of gifts! Again, thank you everyone for everything. We are so truly blessed to be surrounded by friends and family.
While the Iowa Fish were here, the weather stunk! It was so cold and rainy and to be honest, it hasn't gotten much better. We did manage to make it to the park one day and play baseball outside another day. Brrrrr... Doola commented that we didn't take many photos this time because we guess we were too busy living in the moment versus capturing it. Agreed.

Pop and Ma, as well as Gramma and Pappa get the same treatment. More livin' in the moment versus taking pictures to capture the moment. We even went over to see Gramma Pat last night, I took my camera, and not a single photo! Geez. But, lots of good times and memories always.

The boys have been loving playing the new Wii game that Uncle Aaron ("Uncle") got us for Christmas. Jude loves playing all the games and trying to beat Daddy. Laim just has to have a control in his hands so he thinks he's playing! It all works out and everyone has a good time. Thanks Uncle.

Aunt Sister and Uncle Stevie got the boys Gator Golf and both boys seem to love it. Mommy loves it because she can put the boys in the hallway to play and go do something else for a good 15 minutes at least. Many other gifts were received too - too many to mention - and the boys are loving all of them. I think other kiddos will benefit from the generous Christmas as well because I have a HUGE bag of toys that are going to either Watermark or Mercy Street (East Dallas Ministry.) Woo hoo. I love being able to pass on the joy.

Last but not least, it was a musical Christmas for the Fishes. We got electric guitars and a jazzy keyboard. I love this picture of Jude because it reminds me of the eighties alternative bands with their crazy hair and electric keyboards. ha ha ha ha. I think Heather's hair looked like this once but it was pink! Funny thing about the guitars, both boys got them and they each play with the guitar meant for the other. Jude loves Laim's and Liam loves Jude's. Oh well, at least they're happy and playing! And you know what? Mommy doesn't even mind the noise. It's WAY better than hearing them scream. We even broke out the pots and pans the other day for our drum set. Crazy right? I think I am going crazy, but that's another post for another day.
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