Move over all you other action heroes. There's a new love in town. Star Wars 4, 5 and 6 are the new favorite movies for Jude. At least that what he says. He still can't sit through a single one of them. I think he mainly likes them because all the other boys his age are obsessed and because he had to be a "big boy" before he could watch it. Insert one small step into manhood here! Sniff, sniff! He got a new costume (Captain Rex - Clone Wars) with his money that he has saved up from each of you giving a dollar here and there. Thank you - I think. Gramma got both boys their very own light sabers and now the obsession, much like the force, is strong it is.

The other night Adam had to work late and I didn't feel like cooking (what's new). So we had pancakes. If that wasn't wonderful enough for the boys, we made them green and called them Yoda pancakes. Awww yeah - insert 15 coolness points for Mommy! They were a HUGE hit! Sweet! Who knew something so simple could bring such happiness? Thank you green food coloring!
Don't worry family, and villains, there is still a love for other super heroes. Just look at this...
Seriously, all you "bad guys" don't stand a chance in the Fish House. We're a fierce group! Oh, and if you're wondering why Liam has on big boy undies, it's because he is officially potty trained! Woo-hoo! Many thanks to Pull-ups, the patience of Job and Lemon Heads!
Awesome!!! We are so on the same page! I made pink "love" pancakes the other night..."love for Joshua as we wait!" If you want some star wars birthday party ideas, Caroline's 5th birthday was Star Wars and it was a lot of fun. Pretty sure I've got a blog post on it. ...And the potty training...yes, right in the midst of it. I just need to go all in, but I'm just not there yet!
Princess Leia did a great job on the pancakes :) Congrats on the training!!!!!!
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