Saturday, February 5, 2011

As Promised...

Here are some moments captured from yesterday - snowpocolyps!

penny table hockey

we heart snow - we hate pneumonia!

if Jude can't go out...I'll bring the snow to him!
making "color bombs"

it was a fierce battle!

Liam finally decided to venture out without brother (his sidekick and hero)

Dad gave some much needed cuddles and love.

We forced Liam to eat fruit and he bit his lip or something. I think the orange looks a little worse for wear too!
it was pretty...but I'm glad it's melting away as I type this!


Ma said...

Love the imaginations at the Fish Home...seems as though Sweet Jude is feeling some better; give him hugs & kisses from us. Maybe Liam will prefer orange juice and then he won't have to eat the forbidden fruit. The Valentine decorations look great!!

Fish said...

So glad to see energy and color in Jude's face! Looks like both Adam and you were medal-winner parents during this illness. Super idea bringing the snow inside. Little Liam - his expressions are never understated! glad all is going better at the house.