Monday, June 13, 2011

San Diego - A Sneak Peek

 Here's a quick look at the beginning of our trip.  4:30 am wake-up call was no problem.  The boys darted out of bed and were singing, they were so excited. On the plane, ready to roll. Do you see what Jude has in hand? The safety guide. It was the first thing he read every single time we boarded. Ha ha ha. So cute.  He told me he wanted to stay safe. And he made sure to ask me each time if we were going to crash. I told him we were safer in that plane than in Mommy's car! "Are you sure?" was his response. As long as Liam had his paci, he didn't care about anything else. He was ready for the adventure.

Each of them had their own backpack filled with toys, treats and snacks. They were completely occupied the whole time. Yay Mommy! 

 As soon as we landed our friends picked us up and we prepared for Liam's birthday celebration (Jude's too - we celebrated early!)

 (That's Madelyn. She's 3.5)
 My sweet friend Stephanie prepared chicken parm. Yum!

Day two - LEGO LAND!  Jude was stoked.  When we got to Mini Land and he saw all the billions of legos, he said, "Mom this really is Lego Land."

Our trip was packed with tons of fun and lots of adventure.  There are more pics to come from the real photographer. Right about the time Jude started driving his lego car above, my camera battery went out. Bummer. More later.

Oh - one more that my friend Stephanie took on her phone...Adam and I at dinner for our 8 year anniversary.

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