Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Jude Makes Me Laugh

Yesterday was a long day because Liam took one nap that was interrupted by a poop (lovely) and Dad had an event to attend. This left Mom to take care of both boys at dinner time and make sure they were both in bed by 7:00 before my accountability group came over. Although the day was a challenge, Jude lightened my mood with these zingers...

In the car on the way to Super Target (it's raining and cold)
Jude: Mom, do you know what the little sprinkles are?
Mom: What?
Jude: They're the rain's poopie!

At home while having dinner - Liam is piling Ranch dressing on his chicken nugget and sucking it off leaving the nugget intact and soggy.
Jude: Do you know why he loves Ranch so much?
Mom: Why?
Jude: Because he's a Ranchmaholic!

Oh, I thank the good Lord for the innocence of kids and the gift of laughter.

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