Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Meet Pinky Toe!

He is the newest member of our family.  His full name is Spider-man Pinky Toe Fish.  We call him Pinky Toe for short.  We were inspired by Aunt Anna to get a fish.  After meeting Joe the other night on our weekly ichat, we decided we should get a fish too.  Jude had accumulated 8 smiley faces for his various good deeds and rather than going to Chuck-E-Cheese, Jude got to get a pet!  We all love him.  
Adam took great videos of the Petco visit and selection of Pinky Toe.  Once the video is posted, I will provide a link so that everyone can experience it.  I have to be honest, it made me tear up.  I think it's mostly because I REALLY wanted to be there, but the day got away from us and the boys went to pick up Pinky Toe while I was meeting with my girls for Accountability.  The videos are funny and touching!

1 comment:

Mom/Ma said...

I am so glad Jude has a pet and I love the name. I am so glad I have a daughter and son-in-law that keeps me abreast of what my grandsons are doing. I too can hardly wait for the video.
Love you all,